Sunday, March 6, 2011

Salwar Designing

Cutch work design

Stitching is my favourite hobby. My greatest inspiration is my Mom. She does magic with any piece of cloth and that will finally come up with amazing outcomes. Her work is neat and good and I always remember my mom's aunt when i do stitching for, her ideas and work are better.

Cutch work design all over a salwar top

I tried sitching salwar using paper cut and all. But I am more interested in its body design work. I have done embroideries and paintings to few of my salwars. I generally ask my tailor to cut the pieces seperately and then I will mark the portions of sleeves, neck, bottom , etc . After this, I select the appropriate designs and trace it out over the cloth and then start doing Embroideries. Then will give to tailor back to complete salwar stitch.

Pachistrakka stitch with stone work

Pachistrakka is a stitch I learnt recently which is very simple. For this the combination of colors of thread is important. Because a centre tie is made for every box shaped stitch. To give more style I used stone work in this.

I tried many stitches. But i love cutch work most. Being the fastest and beautiful stitch, it is easy to work out and for me it is a very neat stitch. It will not fade away and it is really attractive. Specific design should be selected for this as it will always come with a square boxed flower like we draw in Tic-Tac Toe game.
Double thread will give this better look. For long stem like structures chain stitch will go good.Even back stitch can be used for this purpose.

cutch work design for the top

Cutch wok design on the sleeves
Cutch work design on the bottom part

Simple chain stitch in some special arrangements will make an attractive body. This is the one that I just took half an hour to finish whole stitching.
Simple chain stitch with sequence work all over the body of salwar
Fabric Painting

Apart from this I have done simple fabric painting for one salwar as well.

I wanted to consolidate different types of stitches in one cloth. Hence I decided to stitch it in a kurtha material.

Here I have used almost 6 to 7 types of stitches namely double feather stitch, horizontal Y stitch, cutch work, kasuti stitch,  pachis stitch, stem stitch, spiral stitch and simple stitch of knots. I simply used red and green thread for the whole kurtha stitching.

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